Enrol now for Mugwort - Moon Matriarch. A self-paced twelve week immersive journey into the magic and medicine of Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris).
The course is entirely self-paced and will be available for you to access as you wish. All course materials, guided journeys, group membership, and recordings will be available for one year from the launch date.
Through a series of twelve modules over twelve weeks exploring varied aspects of mugwort, her magic and her medicine, twelve guided journeys to meet the spirit of mugwort, twelve questions and their answers, some explorative, creative assignments we will immerse ourselves deeply into the darkness of the underworld, and emerge completely transformed.
My visions and dreamings for this course as it has appeared to me are that it should be like a story told by the fireside, shared in quiet listening, contemplation, and connection. I want it to be magical and immersive and not over stimulating, heavy, or technical, but instead focusing on embracing the deeper learning of story, direct perception, spirit communication, and a deeper sense of knowing rather than a more formal or rational system of “study”.
My aim is to also invoke the spirit of mugwort and her medicine through each recording, to make this whole course an offering in itself, an expression of my love for this plant being and everything she has shown, taught, expanded, and offered to and within me on my own journey. And then in turn to offer that outward into the world so that her messages and medicine can spread even further. And as such I hand the mantle to you all as you take the wisdom you gain here out into the world and share and disperse it in your own unique ways, as guided by the spirit of Mugwort.
We consume so much, too much. This is not content to be consumed but sustenance to be relished, integrated, fuel to be burned slowly as the fire catches, burns, brightens, settles, then slowly dies, transforming from one elemental form to another. As the sun rises and sets, as the seasons move, as the tide ebbs and flows, as the moon waxes and wanes and as the body and awareness requires, with a greater awareness.
Slow medicine, focused, rooted, and steady. Take as long as you wish. Return for as long as you wish. Take the nourishment that you need, deepen into the medicine, find and feel your way in the darkness with integrity, develop a real relationship, in reverence, in community, in consciousness. Slow it all down so it can be taken in truly, fully, and with deep satisfaction and a knowing beyond words. All course materials will be available for one year from the launch date.
It is my hope that you will go away from this course with a much deeper personal connection to this plant that you can work on, develop, deepen and nurture throughout the rest of your life, that she will continue to be a guide and companion to you on your onward journey, and that this these teachings will enrich your practice and your your path in life, wherever that path may take you.
I truly believe that deepening our connection with plants, with spirit, with the animal world and with the wildness within us, reflected without, then reflecting back within, again reflecting without in a constant interplay and conversation will add a richness and a colour to your life, your work, and your path, and that knowing has guided the creation of this journey.
Mugwort is a herb who works strongly with your intentions and guards the boundaries between the conscious and the unconscious, between the realms of spirit and matter, between the dream world and the body. As such, she is also the keeper of the threshold, the one who will let you pass if you ask the right questions. Mugwort is a herb of real magic.
She is the queen of the moon, the queen of the night, the queen of darkness, and the deep wisdom of the earth-body. Her bitterness is a tonic for the digestive system, and her medicine has a deep affinity with everything in the pelvic bowl: the kidneys, digestion, womb space, and the organs of elimination and sexual reproduction.
She is a herb of wonder and paradox, of spirit and matter, of alchemy and deep, deep healing. Mugwort embodies deep feminine wisdom and possesses a non-linear nature. She winds you in circles and puts you back where you began, a completely different person.
She has the ability to drop you deep into your body while also connecting you with your dream space. Mugwort can reach down into the very depths of your subconscious and bring out the things that you need to see. In that way, she can be quite messy, showing you things you might not want to see and asking things of you that you may not want to give. So your boundaries are important when working with her.
She fosters fertility, particularly when related to stagnation and coldness within the body. Mugwort brings warmth, healing, and movement in a messy, feminine way. The energy Mugwort brings to us is a raw and potent feminine wildness. If we can capture it and embrace it, we can fully experience the profundity of her medicine: the wild spirit made manifest.
In this course I will share teachings directly from my experience with this herb, alongside learnings and understandings from my many years of herbal medicine practice and study. The techniques for making medicines can be applied to other herbs, obviously it is important to know the herbs you are working with and any precautions needed. Self responsibility above all else. That is a vital part of remembering our wild sovereignty.
My hope is that this course and the practices offered will help to really embed that sense of interconnected self more deeply within you. Reawakening the interconnected self is a vital part of our return to our true, wild, and spiritual nature.
There will be sections on identifying mugwort, and where to find her. On sleep, dreams, and dream learning. On establishing a connection and a relationship. On physical medicine and the making of tinctures, oils, and flower essences. On the history and social influence of mugwort. On how she can reconnect humans with the land, and how her names are a doorway into her more mystical uses.
Find even more information on the Mugwort - Moon Matriarch course page where you can also enrol on the course directly. Link here.
Please feel free to email me with any questions at info@wildfolkapothecary.com. There are exchange/barter and pay-it-forward options for this course for those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to enrol, please contact me directly if you would like to access these options.
Much love,
Bernadette x
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