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Heart Balm - a panacea for the heart


A beautifully fragrant and delicious blend of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) and lime flower (Tilia europaea) to calm, soften, and heal, and to restore connection between heart and soul. The flavour of these herbs together is fragrant, peaceful, and bright. 


Lime flower or Linden Blossom is calming and relaxing, and is useful for high blood pressure and angina because its hypotensive effects dilate the blood vessels.


  • Linden is anti-spasmodic and diaphoretic, meaning that it can be used to induce sweat and break a fever. It opens the energetic and physical heart and relieves pressure on the chest and heart space.


  • Linden is wonderful for nervous tension, stress, anxiety, and all related conditions. This fragrant herb represents the active essence of love; compassion and caring. She is the nurturing mother, healing, protective, and focused on true heart energy. 


Lemon balm (Melissa) is an excellent herb for the nervous system which eases the heart on every level, eases digestion and soothes menstrual problems.


  • Melissa brings a sense of peace and calm to all things and is also a fantastic antiviral. She clears the mind, helps in meditation, and aids in the retention of knowledge. She has an affinity with the heart chakra and is said to produce prophetic dreams. 


Chamomile is a healer of all things, even the plants who grow around her. She is soothing and calming in all ways and to all bodily systems and energies. She is gentle yet powerful, and a wonderful herbal ally to revere and respect. 


All of the items within my shop are made within sacred space in deep reverence and connection. I give thanks to the herbs and communicate with them about what I am making and my intentions. I have built up a strong reciprocal relationship with my local flora over the years and find them supportive of my endeavours to share the mystery and magic of plant medicine with other seekers on the path.



Heart Balm - Calming and Heart Healing Organic Herbal Infusion

10 Grams
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