Danu - Ritual Earth Oil
A potent ritual oil to deepen the connection to the earth and dig the awareness down into the world beneath the feet.
- This oil is named for the goddess Danu.
- Danu was a powerful and fundamental earth goddess, she from which all power, wisdom and fecundity of the land burst forth.
- She was also a goddess of wisdom, inspiration, and the intellect.
- Danu was the mother of the gods, the goddess of the earth, as the earth is the mother of all.
To anoint the body with intention, to become the earth represented in human form, is to make the self a sacred part of the Earthly realm.
To use;
Anoint the wrists, third eye, and pulse points. Allow the intoxicating blend of herbs and oils to draw your awareness down into the fecund wisdom and ageless beauty of the earth.
This offering is held within a 10ml amber glass roller bottle. This is not a fragrance oil (although it smells intoxicating, rich, and deep) but a potent ceremonial oil for use in meditation, ritual, and ceremony.
Organic cold-pressed sunflower oil, handmade extracts of wild-foraged nettle (Urtica dioica) leaf, stem, and seed, and dock (Rumex) leaf, stem, and seed, hand-foraged suffolk flint stone, essential oil blend.
**Everything at Wild Folk Apothecary is made within sacred space with deep reverence for and connection to the wild.**